Lars Westby
I have recently been working on two series of paintings after having focused on creating ceramic sculptures for many years. One are the High Relief Paintings where the paint protrudes from the surface in colorful frozen drips. The other series are the Droplet Paintings which are presented here. The Droplet Paintings are spawned during the process of creating the High Relief Paintings.
They inform each other and are symbiotic in nature and process. In creating the Droplet Paintings, thousands of droplets of paint are dripped onto a canvas in layers to create a multi-layered dynamic surface. The effect is a highly colored abstract effervescent surface. These works are abstract yet allude to something within their layers of paint. An image seems to reveal itself yet remains aloof and a mystery. It is this layering of paint, quasi image and mystery that I look to express. What lies between the layers? What does it appear to reveal? Is it the paint revealing itself? This is the realm I look to explore. Layers of meaning to be exposed through the paint and the act of seeing.