Alexander Saner | Switzerland
"The object depends on the subject. The real dynamic part of a static artwork is the living observer himself."
Following Statements of creative personalities influence the artistic work:
"Art is the Elimination everything superfluous"; "The greatest complexity is the greatest simplicity"; Clarity through simplicity"; "If Nothing can be taken away, the work is completed".
Winner of international awards. Art exhibitions worldwide.
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Contemporary Art Station: Tell us about how you got started. When did you know you wanted to be an artist?
I started as a Cartoonist. After years as a draftsman, the time was right to change from one day to another, directly from the two-dimensional drawings to the three-dimensional sculptures.
CAS: What is your process like, from initial idea to the creation of the piece? Do you usually develop the idea for a project before you find the "canvas", or vice versa?
After the first idea follows a sketch on a sheet of paper. Based on this drawing, I recognize easy whether it is worth pursuing or canceling the project.
CAS: What do you love most about your creative process?
When the finished artwork exceeds my initial imagination.
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CAS: What role does art and the artist play in the broader social conversation today?
Maybe to question the old thinking. Because it does not work to solve the worldwide Problems.
CAS:Name a few of your favourite artists and influences.
Robert Rauschenberg
Bruce Naumann
Frank Stella
CAS: What is the best advice you received as an artist?
Be yourself.
Be Patient.
CAS: When did you discover your voice as an artist?
Already as a schoolboy I loved to secretly draw Cartoons from the teachers...
CAS: What advice would you give to emerging artists trying to find their own?
Do not copy other artists. Be yourself.
Take your time.
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