Maria Teresa Guala was born in Turin in 1947 : her father was painter and advertiser (he got the contract of TO-EXPOSITION), came from an important family of artists of Monferrato. She studied of the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts of Turin in the ‘60s with the lead of Prof. Scroppo. At the same time she studied languages and she has worked as translator.
Because of same work and family reason she has interrupted her activity for a long time. Resumed in 2000 with a solo exhibition at “Micrò Gallery at Turin” and at the “Promotrice of Fine Arts” in Turin, 2001. She participated to several exhibitions in Europe and Russia particularly with U.S. and received different awards.
She collaborates with “MIIT Museum of Turin” where she spent two months in Chicago (Zhou Center).
In summer 2017 she participated to “Triennale of Rome”. She also collaborated with some galleries in the United States winning a contest with ARTAVITA Santa Barbara to participate in the Art Basel. She was also contacted by VIDA, a fashion house at San Francisco as designer.
On November 18.2017 she inaugurates an individual exhibition at Palazzo Ducale Genova.
Dear friend the information you give me on your activity confirm you have no difficulty for your introduction in the Art world. I suggest you continue your activity of painter because there is “good stuff” in you. Vittorio Sgarbi
Joyful and unforeseeable : two epithets which distinguish Maria Teresa Guala coming from a family of artists. For example in some figures in which is present the echo of Willem de Kooning or in certain masks coming from maybe imaginary or domestic ethnic. Guala really conceals a well-reasoned work in search of the greatest concentration among action, mark and colour …
Vittorio Sgarbi
… some “stories” having as support plan some Expressionistic references, revive without doubt these works evocative in the extreme and in “a pictorial figure” as said in precedence-Neoexpressionist. In fact above all in the most recent works we find a far analogy with important painters of “Die Brucke” as Kirchner, Rottluff… Arturo Bottello
… the expressive style of Maria Teresa Guala identifies herself with a search tied to the colour, to the intense flowing of the line and to the vital scansion of the images. In particular the painter has elaborated a speech in which the simplification of the representation results, as suggested by A. Bottello, by an adhesion to the German Expressionism … Angelo Mistrangelo
A suggestive and chromatically attractive view, which combines strength, thinking and technique is at the basis of Maria Teresa Guala’s artistic research. Her artworks are a surprising mockery, they vibrate with colourful intensity, mellow brushstrokes, shade variations which are as bold as they are sudden….
London S. Arfelli
Sistema - acrylic on canvas board 50x70 CM - 2018
Allegoria - Acrilico su tela - 100 x 100 cm, 2009
Faccia di luna - tecnica mista su tavola 48 x 58 cm, 2014
La bici (bicycle) tela acrilico 50 x 70 cm, 2016
Painter Fever - Acrilico su canvas, 70 x 70, 2017