Symona Colina Jeltema

I am a visual artist who captures a different horizon in that deep sound I hear when I read intensely between the lines... the lines of perspective

A painting… starts with a point.
One out of infinite possibilities…
Then follows a line, on the surface of height and width, following the comprehensive wind.
Crushing, caressing, capturing… a space.
Almost touching the horizon… whisper of the wind on the cutting edge…
My work is like the wind, perceiving perspective. A perspective which touches and surrounds me, and in its essence forms the source of my work and sparkles in endless interfaces.
It's composing with the shades of rainbow-light…

While the Brushes in my hand are weaving lines and tunes into the shades…
Words strung like beads on a string fall featherlight on a thin surface…
A song to see…
Rainbow-light grows into whispered words of a high-pitched rhapsody…
A song to see.

Art is like a river, it's current taking me freely to a different horizon capturing me


Marcelo Ferreira


Dr. Katharina Goldyn-Vogl