Jeong-Ah Zhang

My life and art are based on my own philosophical thoughts and experiences. I'm interested in the philosophy of immanence and transcendence on all beings, And this means that I try to focus on the essence of life by establishing core values, and at the same time, sublimate it into my works. I look at the relationship between human and nature and the universe from a very broader perspective. I think all thoughts and consciousness are breath, The breath is the switch between the conscious and the subconscious mind, It's a connected cycle of creation and extinction. And It's a soul resonance beyond the time frame. I try to listen to all the conceptions of all things, have an open mind and remember what resonates. Therefore, my surrealism is simply is not just an exploration of the unconscious. It is a question of will and philosophy, constant introspection. I value awakening and balance, and try to embody the meaning of existence and non-existence, and the nature of things in an implicit and artistic way. My art is intended to make the viewers think, but my delivery is intended to make the viewers listen to their own inner voice. It makes people, including myself, think beyond reality and into the essence of reality. As I look back on that afternoon so long ago that presented my life, When remembering the experience of seeing the interconnected nature of all things.. The flash point of all creation in the present moment is immortality.


Athina Soultani


Varda Breger