Michael Kaphengst
I continuously experimented with color and form to create 1995 my own style “Linearism - consumptiv surrealism” and in 2009 “Fencing pictures - absolute linearism”
In this style I put consumer items into a surreal picture and breaks my motives down into colorfull lines. In his “Fencing pictures - absolute linearism” the lines are drawn with a technique I developed in 2009 by fixing a brush on top of a rapier.
I set cape stallion my “consumptiv surrealism” against the linear overstimulation with consumer items. The pop manner I creates surreal picture worlds with my consumer items and assigns a new artistic task to them unlike.
I doesn`t leave the straightness any chance with my style “Fencing Picture - absolute linearism”: The artist pulls at lines top of a rapier with a fastered brush over a canvas and create his own physical automatism by the movabillity of the blade with that.
Drawn by circling lines over the drawing paper I pulls this one out to myself my new style in 2012 “extreme linearism”. It starts with revolving movements of the pin, motive condenses therefore to shape and the artist extends these movements and this way the motive drawn.
The picture gets making dynamics by the one. This technique is the most extreme form of my style “linearism”