Ursa Schoepper

Ursa Schoepper first completed her studies in Natural Science with state examination. In addition she completed a study in cultural management, state examinaten, with a concentration in fine arts, new media. In 2001 she was awarded the Media Promotion Prize of German state North Rhine-Westphalia for „Das Museum der abwesenden Bilder“.

Since 2003 Ursa Schöpper has been working as an experimental photographic artist. Her artwork has been exhibited internationally and she is the recipient of notable awards. Ursa Schoepper lives and works near Bonn.

A photography, is an image of divers realities. For me the Experimental Photography is a metapher of Change. My experimental photographic art is the logical departure from reality. It is virtual, so available in possibility.

My reconstruction of a digital photograph is an attempt to order the chaos of the world in which we move. Through a transformation of the appearance we can gain new impressions. It is the courage to be free that keeps alternatives open and encourages renewal. It is the courage to break the perception of routine and stands for change in the process. Whoever seizes his chance, like the artist and the strategic genius, risks breaking up the routine of perception.

What is it that makes nature appear in such wondrous ways? What ideal formula does it contain? Experimental digital photography gives me the opportunity to research her. As a composer and choreographer, I elicit new Views and perspectives from the geometry of light and colors in their digital appearance.


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