Gunilla Daga

Living in Stockholm, Sweden, Gunilla Daga produces art which, in John Austin’s words, is “drawn out of private experience, reaches out in universal terms to touch everyone on different levels." Her use of earth tones and primitive shapes reveal a sensitive delicacy. Daga mixes red iron oxide, bone black and titanium white to achieve a sophisticated pattern that produces an organic aesthetic. Daga’s paintings are connected to each other, each image being born from the previous and forming a series of works where the artist investigates not only the nature of the materials at hand but seems to push each shape to take different forms and each time, bring forward a new vocabulary.

Daga studied at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Gerlesborgsskolan in Bohuslän and in Stockholm. She is a member of Swedish Artists’ National Organization, IAA International Association of Art. She has exhibited in Finland, Paris, Italy, Poland, New York, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden. She has been an Artist in Residence at NARS Foundation, Brooklyn, New York 2016 and where she has returned for studio work. Daga had a personal show at Artifact Gallery in Lower East Side, New York 2015 and has participated with Artifact at SCOPE Miami and Monaco Yacht Show 2019. Exhibited at Art Expo NY, LA ArtFair, and Spectrum Miami with ArtUpClose. Her art has been featured on Times Square Billboards 2014 with SeeMe and received the ArtSlant Showcase Prize in 2012. Exhibited with Contemporary Art Station and ArtboxProjects in several countries.


Gregory Logan Dunn


Shiri Achu