Bruce Cowell
In Fine-Art Photography the subject of a photograph becomes metaphorical. Even though it's a real subject existing in the real world it speaks of something much deeper, more important and touches upon human emotions in ways that only the visual arts can do.
Photographs can cross into a whole other realm and become iconic, subjective and eternal. They speak of eternal truths that are as recognisable today as they were a thousand years ago. To name those truths would be to limit them but every human understands instinctively what they are. Language, culture, lifestyle, distance, do not limit that understanding. Photography speaks at a human level and all humans understand it.
What matters is that it speaks to us at a deeply human level about those things that are most important to us and touches our emotions. Love and connection are enduring themes that run through my work. This is because I see them as the primary motivators in our lives. They are our constant everyday link with eternity. My view is that fine-art photography exists to capture the eternal in the everyday. Those moments that transcend time and place and link us to the universe.
I create part of the image and the viewer completes it by applying their own unique viewpoint that is informed by their own life experience. My images should not be viewed as finished works but as artworks we can complete together.
In that is the heart and soul of of photography.