Britta Ortiz

Man is only one species among many thousands here on earth. We dominate many regions, but we can only survive if we learn to respect all other species, as we are all dependent on each other. Man is his own worst enemy, as we believe that we are superior to all other species. We are in some areas, but far from all. The challenge is that we view all other species from our own perspective and are not aware that other species are adapted exactly to the life they live. That is why we are also often surprised when we find out what knowledge other species have, and again we compare them with our own knowledge, as when we e.g. learns that a crow has the intelligence of a 2-3 year old child.

By respecting and recognizing that other beings are just as important as us, we can live in harmony with other beings and nature and experience how magnificent the earth is. Man is only a small piece, and we are reminded of that when nature rages. Man is capable of destroying himself, but the earth will endure. By taking care of the earth and making room for other beings, man will also benefit himself.


Julie Reby Waas


Raúl Vega