Ambro Louwe
A painting is not reality, but a translation of the experience of it. Which can be done in numerous ways. I enjoy playing with forms and colours. Expression in sculpture, in painting, in writing poems or stage play etcetera show the reflection of how one sees the world. For me it is showing my admiration for beauty, search for truth and the strong belief in the possibility of development. Thus, to perform and dream of nobility of the spirit. In an atmosphere, where one feels secure, new ideas and relations can flourish. So, I encourage and invite people around me to express themselves and recognize their ability do so. Sometimes in competition, but also just for the experience as such.
The story of Adam and Eve for me is a glorious story of the start of enlightenment, the first steps of conscious growth. Courage against fear and uncertainty. The search for and struggle for truth and human civilisation.
Again, we are in a paradise and just took a bite of the apple. We can’t go back. Do we have the courage to take the next steps into a new reality and let go of many old patterns and ideas and redefine our identity?