Axel Becker
The work Sushi represents the art style of Axel Becker, who kept the picture in a minimalist style and the elements Pop Art and the fourth dimension (after Fontana) with the open mouth, i.e. the cut out canvas united. Axel Becker is a big fan of Asia and art and has been to China, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Sushi is a food culture that is unique and has many fans in Europe. So it was a heartfelt wish of Axel Becker to make the work available for an exhibition in Hong Kong. Enjoy the art and increase your zest for life.
Sushi, 60x80cm, Acrylic, Keramiplast, Wood, 2020
Sea foam, 150x50cm, Acrylic, Tin, Canvas, 2020
Hommage of Munch-Scream, 60x80cm, Acrylic, Tin, Canvas, 2019