Elena Gastón - Nicolás
United States
Guardian of the planet. Multidimensional Artist and Soul’s Ambassador.
Art is my means of expression. I born with a paintbrush in my mouth. My social media artistic journey stars in the 80's, through the arrangement of abstract art and the Three Ways of Spiritual Knowledge: The Alchemical Way, The Priestly Path and the Way of the Warrior. I create Tapestries, Colossuses and small important things. I am interested in exploring our mental and perceptual potential, also delving into spirituality. I shape mental maps and multi-boggling cosmogonies, portraits and custom-made pictures. Above all, landscape and its inhabitants. I am wholehearted, Classica, oneiric, immediate and emotional
My Ashrams (Artists Books) are the support on which I organize myself.
In the Series Goodness, Truth and Beauty (Healing the Roots), I try to depict elementals beings: fairies gnomes, sylphs, undines and salamanders
I follow luminous spiritual life. I am very concerned about the future of the planet.
The world needs a return to nature to re-fund itself.
Here is a rather approximate overview of my artistic journey since the 80's
I was born on one of the first moments that criticism attributes to me.
Wholly Elena
“Her painting doesn’t leave indifferent. The bold stroke, the dazzling coloring, the fluid and voluptuous brushstroke, the intelligent texts, reveal a high-voltage personality that awakens and transforms with uninhibited passion and a very high degree of emotional calories."
German Bandrés Martinez
Her images distill a deep inner universe, in full boiling, that overflows like a volcano when she gives free rein to the trans-world, like Goya.
Her conviction, chromatic sense, feeling and continuity of her spelling, both in the stain and in the graphic gesture (stroke), have sufficient value. What least matters is the cataloging of style"
Dr. Arturo Ansón Navarro
"Let a humble herb out of the hand of Elena Gastón serve as a principle in your being to feel your whole being in its totality as it should be".
Dr. H.G. von Österreich und von Toskana
"ELENEUDIS 70'80, Stage, is known as the discomposed nystagmus after Comet Halley passed through lost in Gutenberg Huge Galaxy;
(Runaway sentences violently sweep over the tender bucolic landscapes, of the rugged Mountains, which succumb to the dethroned rhythm of the heroic appreciation of the distant trees, rivers, mountains and everything that the Great Creator wagered, on the forehead of the eleneudistic gastonterepia.
This period was followed by what is known by the name of Eleneusis, or stage of deep silence...in 2005 she began the long journey with "The Ordination of Axtracto Art", hold on! Then, she recovers the runaway ELENEUDIS that was able to show back in the eighties"
José Antonio Labordeta
"The Divine Ember Pulsating of the mystics and the poets, the fools of God and the blacksmiths, is in, Elena and in everything that she does. It’s about time for her to spread through the visible world so in need of astonishment and wonder, the vertigo and the boil of her word and her tabloid!"
Carlos & Enedina