Ursa Schoepper
Nothing is as it seems at first sight, everything is in process and thus in change.
A digital photography is a light picture and a data image, an icon, a foil of a pictorial perception. Photography is material of different substances. That always means something provisional. In order to arrive at new points of view, it sometimes helps to destroy familiar ways of seeing in the figurative sense. For me as an artist, for example, I am destroying a previously recorded photographic image through transformation, that is, through a new algorithmic order structure, in order to arrive at a new order of sight and perspective after a new order.
Creatively following an artistic idea, I thus develop autonomous photographic images. My tool is next to a professional camera, a sophisticated image editing system. His physical-mathematical structures correspond to the internal structure of a digital photograph. I create photo autonomous artworks as virtual reality present in realistic reality.
© Ursa Schoepper 2020
Ursa Schoepper has a state examination in natural sciences, followed by teaching. She has also a University degree, studies in cultural management, focused on visual arts, new media, at Prof. Dr. Eckart Pankoke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krempel and Prof Dr. Michael Bockemühl.
Since 2003 she is working as an artist in the field of experimental fine art photography. She exhibits her artworks worldwide and has already received many national and international awards.
1. What’s your background?
Ursa Schoepper has a state examination in natural sciences, followed by teaching. She has also a University degree, studies in cultural management, focused on visual arts, new media, at Prof. Dr. Eckart Pankoke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krempel and Prof Dr. Michael Bockemühl.
Since 2003 she is working as an artist in the field of experimental fine art photography. She exhibits her artworks worldwide and has already received many national and international awards.
2. What does your work aim to say?
Nothing is as it seems at first sight, everything is in process and thus in change.
My art stands for both. It originates from photography, but is, as a result, an autonomous artwork. This experimental photographic art points to the freedom to see the possibility of a change, not to be content with the first impression. She gives a lecture on the creative process.The order of the world is not just that of the visible world. What do we see, what do we perceive, what is visible? Aren't we always constructing reality with our perception and not with our gaze? It is a virtual reality in a realistic reality.
3. How does your work comment on current social or political issues?
Art is always a social, cultural phenomenon. It can refer to the interaction of different systems, the special value of acting innovatively from existing systems. Art can refer to systems of order, which in her variation can create a new picture, also a new world view. My artworks also stand for autonomy. In addition, I would like to draw more attention to the beauty of nature in the future, which is so much in danger.
4. Who are your biggest influences?
Great Philosophers of the past and great artists of classical modernism, for example the so-called Bauhaus artists.
Artic Sea
5. How has your art evolved over the years?
I first studied the technical components of digital photography before working on certain contemporary issues, for example, I examined the inner structures of digital photography.
6. What does art mean to you?
Art is very important to me. It means everything to me. It is my language.
7. What’s the most valuable piece of art to you?
The most valuable work of art for me would be a work by Gerhard Richter. The most valuable own work of art is always a different one. It is the work that is strongest that has a great appeal even after a long time.
8. What’s next for you in the future?
In the future I would like to draw more attention to the beauty of nature, which is so much in danger.